The Grassroots Ministry offers a three-year certificate program. This program began in 1994, aimed at the unreached grassroots people in the rural area. This strategy is to use the local churches as satellite classrooms to reach out to the Taiwanese grassroots people to equip them to witness the Gospel to their peers, immigrant workers, and the cross-cultural wives with their family members. 

The Grassroots Ministry currently has 6 teaching centers.




1. credits: 36 credits, including classes and mentoring.

2. Class and internship: 2.5 hours of class attending one evening per week; internship will be at a local church or a Christian organization.

3. If a student has completed all 36 credits and courses and church internship with satisfactory grades, a Certificate of Grassroots Ministry will be awarded to the student.


Qualifications of applicants:

1. Has been baptized or confirmed for at least two years, and has beautiful testimony in both life and ministry.

2. Has a calling for grassroots ministry, and is willing to put what one learns into practice.

3. No restrictions for any educational background and age. Is recommended by the pastor.

4. The student needs to be supported by the church/organization. The church/organization needs to provide timely assistance to support the student’s learning and provide a place for the student to serve.

5. The student is required to have a suitable mentor in the church. If the pastor is the mentor, please be sure that there is enough time allocated for mentoring the student.


1. Tuition fee: NT 2,500 dollars per credit hour. (Any further adjustment in fees will be stated in the Application brochure.)

2. Application fee: NT 500 dollars. (Any further adjustment in fees is according to the Application brochure.)

Entrance exam: no entrance exam is required. However, all new students are required to participate in an oral exam in order to help them clarify their expectations and consolidate their determination in learning how to serve.